Urgent Notice: Secure your new ‘Membership To Go’ license now before they all sell-out.

Limited Packages Available. Reserve Your New Fully Licensed Membership Site Now To Guarantee Your Order Is Accepted!

Do you ever dream of receiving ‘new sales notifications’ that come in like clockwork everyday? Think it is too complicated? Or it takes too much time? Think again!

Now You Can Start A New Membership Site From Scratch And Be Ready To Welcome Your First Paying Member In 90 Minutes Or Less!

Keep Reading To Discover How You Can Put ‘Membership To Go’ To Work For You To Bring In A Consistent Recurring Income, Month After Month.

From The Desk Of Shane Doyle,
October 22, 2024 9:58 pm

Dear Future ‘Wealthy’ Membership Site Owner,

As you may have already heard by now, owning a membership site is not only a great way to make money online, but it is also a source of financial security because those renewals become a stable source of CONTINUITY BASED income.

Your members are automatically rebilled month after month until they cancel their membership.

You find a customer ONCE … and they continue spending money with you over and over again, on complete autopilot.

Knowing that the recurring income from these memberships is coming in each month, gives you a sense of ‘security and comfort’ …

… And when you setup a "fixed term" membership site, like the ones you’ll be introduced to right here on this page, then you can enjoy a business where you can truly "set it and forget it".

That’s because the type of membership site we’re talking about here does NOT need ongoing content to be created ‘forever’ … It’s the ultimate lifestyle business.

You will not need to be glued to your computer 24-7 to do this.

In fact, I’d be surprised if you couldn’t run this business in just 15 minutes a day once you’ve got your site up and running…

(and it shouldn’t take you any longer than 90-minutes to set up from scratch either – full details of how you can do this are right here on this page ).

… then (if you chose) you can use any other free time you have to set up OTHER PROJECTS and continue getting even more sales notifications and cash in your pocket (while your membership site continues to work for you in the background).

Want to see how it’s done?

Then read on… Because it all starts with a simple explanation, after which everything else will become clear.

DEFINITION: "Fixed Term Membership"

A "fixed-term membership site" (FTM) site consists of password protected drip-fed content made available to paying members for a specified period.

In a nutshell, here's what you do in running your own FTM site...

1) Create ONE new article, report or video each week, fortnight, or month, (You decide how often).

2) Load the content you have created into a WordPress based website for members to access.

3) Sell access to the content, which would last for 3 - 6 - 9 or 12 months.

Fixed-term membership sites are great because you can set them up once and they run by themselves on complete autopilot.

Additionally, members generally stay active (paying you!) LONGER because there is a specific, fixed period for their membership.

Traditional membership sites that NEVER END tend to have a lower retention rate (meaning members cancel more quickly ... which means you stop getting paid sooner!).

And who wants that?

Owning your own ‘FTM’ style site may possibly be your final missing piece of the puzzle.

A Fantastic Income Model That Works Like Crazy In Today’s Modern World...

To give you a great look at how "fixed term" memberships work (and how you can CLAIM your own such FTM site with Membership To Go today), let me point to a case study of one very successful FTM site which is run by a good friend of mine...

Serious About Six Figures (Fortnightly FTM)

SeriousAboutSixFigures.com is an FTM site which teaches members different methods of generating a substantial income from the Internet (and yes one of the things they teach is also setting up a recurring monthly income using FTM sites).

Members of this site get a new training lesson delivered drip fed to them within the membership area once every two weeks. Each lesson does NOT build upon those that came before it but rather teaches a completely different idea.

This is a 24-month membership... which means members get a total of 48 lessons (two lessons a month - for two years).

Each lesson averages 25-40 pages in length for the PDF version and covers various subjects related to ‘setting up and running a successful six figure a year online business’.

Members can also opt to watch a video version of the training or listen to the audio if they prefer.

Members pay $47 per month ($564 per year)

Now consider that this website has signed up a total of 3,353 members since it was launched, and you can get a sense of exactly how much money can be generated with an FTM style membership site.

The retention rate of this site is also extremely high - especially since the owner mixed in quarterly bonus trainings at no additional cost.

Are you beginning to see how massively profitable it can be to set up an ‘FTM site’ like this?

Setting up one of these types of "FTM sites” to provide either weekly, fortnightly or monthly content is one of the most profitable ways I’ve found to date for consistently selling information products online… And what’s more, the members of these types of websites love them!

‘FTM sites’ not only provide members with fantastic information and ongoing support, but they can also provide you with a consistent monthly income.

It’s a true WIN-WIN.

As the graphs below show how just one FTM site that launched on July 1st 2022… has consistently grown and currently has a Monthly Recurring Revenue (also known as MRR) of $7,189.33 per month...That’s a whopping $86,271.96 per year.

According to Forbes.com, that’s around one and a half times higher than the ‘average salary’ of everyone in the entire of the USA – regardless of which State you happen to live in.

And that income is from just one FTM site… So, imagine what would happen to your lifestyle if you had two (or more) of these special types of websites together with hundreds or possibly thousands of members paying you automatically month after month.

Personally, I liken it to all the reassurance and safety you feel knowing you’re going to get paid your salary when you have a 9-5 job… but with all the satisfaction and freedom of running your own business.

How about you?

There’s no question about it… you should have at least one FTM site of your own. And if you’re serious, I'm about to give you the opportunity to be handed you one that’s already ‘primed’ and ready to "GO!"

A brand new ‘FTM site’ with the same underlying ‘framework’ as the ‘Serious About Six Figures A Year’ website I mentioned to you just now… But which has completely fresh new content… aimed at a completely new and trending niche audience.

For complete transparency, I used to be a member of the ‘Serious About Six Figures A Year’ website… My enrolment date was May 13th 2021… I then went on to complete all the training, asked lots of questions, raised tons of support tickets and successfully launched my first information product as a result.

I made $2,337 in just 5 days as a result of my first ever product launch… and became ‘completely hooked’ on the idea of making my full time living online selling information products ever since… And turning my online activities from being just a ‘hobby’ to the main focus of my family income.

Since then, I have never looked back.

In fact, I guarantee, once you have experienced first-hand what it feels like to wake up each morning and find more money sitting in your bank account than there was before you went to bed…

… or what it’s like to have your phone consistently ‘pinging’ with new sales notifications while you’re out and about doing other things… It’s hard to go back to having a regular 9-5 and putting up with a boss who doesn’t value you or what you do for them every day.

So, I decided to do something about it, firstly by investing heavily in extra personal coaching and mentoring and learning as much as I could about setting up FTM style membership sites from scratch…

… And secondly, by immersing myself in learning as much as I could about the growing trend of using Artificial Intelligence, Open AI and Chat GPT. Something I am sure you’ll agree that has already changed the world forever…

The fact is the demand for information about how to ‘effectively’ use AI and Chat GPT (especially how to use it to make money) has skyrocketed in the last 12 months. It’s still a growing trend and it only looks set to get bigger throughout 2025 and beyond.

Why tell you about this?

Because right now, TODAY just by reading this webpage you get to benefit from all of this research and studying, because I’ve something very special to share with you.

It pulls together nearly 3 years of hard work into one package that you can get your hands on instantly…

… And, which if you follow my lead, can also mean you can have your own FTM style membership site, up and running and ready to accept new members in less than 90 minutes…

A membership site that’s providing information and solutions to one of the HOTTEST topics online right now. Artificial Intelligence.

Introducing: The Ultimate "Shortcut" To Making Money With Your Own Highly Profitable FTM Site...

Obviously, putting together a complete fixed-term membership site would ordinarily take some time. Several months at least.

But thanks to some special software I’ve had commissioned called the Instant Membership Site plugin, which comes with the ‘Membership To Go’ package that I’m about to introduce to you… you’ll be able to take the ultimate shortcut. And have your own FTM site up, running and ready to accept paying members in just 90 minutes… maybe even less.

For the last 6 months, I’ve been preparing a new FTM site called Robotic Revenue - a 12 month (24 module) fixed term membership site that explains how to use the latest ‘AI robots’ to create a high profit home-based internet business.

The keyword here is "prepared".

I set up the membership site completely (researched, wrote, recorded, edited and published all 24 lessons, created the salesletter and marketing materials) and got everything ‘ready to go’.

Then, I got busy with other projects. While I sold a few memberships due to people visiting my main site and seeing a link to it… I never got around to actively promoting and launching the membership.

In fact, I think I may only have sent out a small handful of emails to my list mentioning it in passing.

Your Opportunity To License This Entire Membership Site Project Lock, Stock and Barrel

It is an EXCELLENT course ‘all ready-to-go’ for you to license and sell as your own and to keep 100% of the profits… Which by the way includes all of the following 24 training modules... and then another 4 extra bonuses on top of that.

Take a look at everything you’ll be able to provide to your new members in the section below… (or just scroll down to discover more about this once in a lifetime worldwide licensing opportunity).

 Module #1:

Publishing Profits:

Using ChatGPT To Create A Six Figure Income With Your Own Flagship Training Course

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

The eLearning industry is huge, worth hundreds of billions of dollars – and it’s only expected to grow!

Now you (and your new customers) will be able to get themselves their own slice of this gigantic and very profitable pie by creating your own bestselling course using Chat GPT!

This in depth training shows you how to take the ultimate shortcut to hitting the ground running.

 Module #2:

Continuity Cash

How To Create A Six Figure Income With Your Own Membership Site

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Anyone who’s been around the infoproduct marketing block a time or two, are likely to have thought about setting up a membership site (or two). Perhaps if they’re a bit more advanced, they’re running a site like this already… But either way, they may have thought, “Wow, this seems like a lot of work.”

And it can be – if you do it all yourself. Even if you outsource, it’s going to blow a hole in your content-creation budget. The good news is that now you can create a membership site, and you hardly need to do any of the work! That’s because ChatGPT can do the bulk of the strategizing and content creation for you. This module explains exactly how.

 Module #3:

A Novel Idea

How To Write A Novel And Become A Famous Author

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Have you ever daydreamed about being a famous writer? Maybe you’d write horror like Stephen King. Perhaps you’d write young adult fiction like JK Rowling. Or maybe you love cozy mysteries, trashy romance novels, thrillers, mysteries, contemporary fiction, or just about anything else.

But there’s always been that little voice in your head that says, “I couldn’t possibly do this” or “I don’t have the time.”

With ChatGPT, you CAN do it – and you can do it fast! And no one will ever know that you used AI tools to help you to craft your novel.

You can ask Chat GPT to help you generate an unlimited number of ideas and to generate several specific plot twists… Isn’t that awesome?

You (or your clients) could be a bestselling author by this time next year thanks to this helpful guide.

 Module #4:

Laptop Lifestyle

How To Live Anywhere In The World Working As A Freelance Writer And Get Chat GPT To Do All The Hard Work For You

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Another great way to make money with ChatGPT is to use it to build a freelance writing business. Typically, this means you craft content for businesses such as blog posts, sales content, emails, articles, white papers, brochures and more.

As you might suspect, ChatGPT can help you with every single step of the process. With the handy set of instructions inside this guide… you (or your clients) could be up and running with a side hustle that could easily out perform a regular 9-5 salary in now time.

 Module #5:

Beyond Borders

Using ChatGPT to Kickstart Your Translation Business

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

All over the world, there are people who need a variety of content translated. This includes:

White papers.
Technical documents.
Instruction manuals.
Blog posts.
Video scripts.
Tools (worksheets, checklists, etc.).
Sales content.

And so much more. With Chat GPT at your side, you’ll be able to offer translation services from many major languages into another major language – and ChatGPT will do all the heavy lifting for you!

 Module #6:

From Chats to Customers

How to Use ChatGPT to Make List-Building Faster, Easier and More Profitable

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

If you talk to a group of online marketers about their biggest challenges, one thing you’ll hear over and over is how hard it is to build a big list and monetize it.

Now imagine for a second that you had an assistant who was an expert in email marketing. This assistant could help you:

Design your overall marketing and traffic strategies.
Provide lead magnet ideas and titles.
Create your lead magnets.
Craft a compelling lead page.
Write your autoresponder sequence for you.
Craft every live broadcast you send.

That would be pretty amazing, right?

Well, No surprises here, but that’s exactly what ChatGPT can do for you. Just just need ot know the right wat to ask it for help… And that’s exactly what this module explains.

And best of all… ChatGPT will work for you day-in, day-out doing this for FREE!

 Module #7:

From Words to Wealth

Building a Profitable B.L.O.G. With ChatGPT

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Another way that ChatGPT can drop money into your bank account is by helping you build a profitable blog. And as always, ChatGPT can help you with everything from idea generation to creating your blog posts to crafting replies when someone leaves a comment on your blog.

Just imagine. No more staring at a blank screen, wondering what to write about. And no more writing these blog posts yourself, because ChatGPT takes care of that too. That just leaves you to collect the cash!

 Module #8:

The Unfair Advantage

How to Use AI to Start and Grow a Profitable Coaching or Consultancy Business

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Here’s one of the big money ideas: Use ChatGPT’s expertise to build a coaching or consulting business. ChatGPT can help you by:

Building intake questionnaires.
Creating informative content for your clients to read.
Developing tools like worksheets and checklists.
Fielding niche-related questions from your clients.
Creating webinar and video scripts for you.
Crafting all the sales content for you.

ChatGPT can even help you brainstorm the most profitable niche markets. You can ask for specifics about a niche in which you’re already interested and knowledgeable about, or you can ask for broad coaching ideas just for brainstorming purposes. Whatever you decide, Chat GPT can help you to launch a new coaching and consultancy business with ease.

 Module #9:

Copywriting Magic

Using ChatGPT to Create Irresistible, Cash-Pulling Sales Copy

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

If there’s one thing that just about every business owner needs, it’s sales copy. Whether it’s an infoproduct marketer, a restaurant owner, an accountant, a drop-shipper, an Etsy storefront owner, a dentist, or anyone else, they need compelling copywriting to convert browsers into buyers.

You know where this is going – ChatGPT can craft the sales copy, you can tweak it to add the human touch, and then you can charge your clients a boatload of money for the high-converting copy!

This module shows you how you can be up and running and delivering your new high-profit service within the next 24 hours.

 Module #10:

Beyond Grammar Checkers

How to Use ChatGPTs Advanced Editing and Proofreading Skills to Effortlessly Polish Your Clients’ Content

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Whether you want to save money by proofing and editing your own content, or you want to make money by providing these services for someone else, ChatGPT is ready to work for you for free.

ChatGPT can also provide fact-checking services on certain types of content. For example, ChatGPT can double check a fact such as the population of a certain country in 1940, or how many people died of heart disease five years ago.

Hot Tip: Get Paid TWICE…

Remember: ChatGPT can provide editing, proofing and content-improvement services in a variety of languages. You can enjoy ‘double bubble’ payments, where you upsell translation content services as well as improving the overall content as well – and ChatGPT does all the work while you pocket all the profits.

 Module #11:

Building Brand Buzz

Growing Your Business with ChatGPT-Powered Social Media Campaigns

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

If you talk to a group of online marketers about their biggest challenges, one thing you’ll hear over and over is how hard it is to build a big list and monetize it.

Now imagine for a second that you had an assistant who was an expert in email marketing. This assistant could help you:

Design your overall marketing and traffic strategies.
Provide lead magnet ideas and titles.
Create your lead magnets.
Craft a compelling lead page.
Write your autoresponder sequence for you.
Craft every live broadcast you send.

That would be pretty amazing, right?

No surprises here, but that’s exactly what ChatGPT can do for you. And best of all, you don’t need to hire ChatGPT as your assistant, because it will work for you for FREE!

 Module #12:

The Influencer Blueprint

Creating a Path to Digital Fame & Success With ChatGPT

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Have you noticed there are some people in your niche whom everyone listens to when they talk? Yep, these are the online influencers. While typically the biggest influencers today are on YouTube, there are some influencers who use blogs or other social media platforms to influence their audience.

How does an influencer make money? There are few different options:

Selling affiliate or drop-shipped merchandise
Making money from revenue share agreements on YouTube (for displayed ads).
Selling ads on their own websites.
Accepting other sponsorship deals

If you’ve spent any time watching influencers on YouTube, you’ll see that they present a wide variety of content, including:

Unboxings and product reveals
Case studies.
Behind the scenes videos.
Demo videos.

And similar content. You’ll need to test and track your content to see what your specific audience responds to the best. ChatGPT can the help you brainstorm ideas for fun and engaging content, as well as create the scripts and other text-based content itself.

 Module #13:

Building Tribes

A Comprehensive Guide to Building Tribes With ChatGPT

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

One of the most valuable assets you can build is your tribe. Here we’re referring to building a group or a forum full of people who are interested in your niche and what you’re selling.

Years ago, marketers would install a forum script on their own site and run the group there. However, today many marketers use Facebook groups for this purpose. The reason is because their audience is already on Facebook, so members don’t need to remember additional login information.

In addition, people tend to check Facebook regularly – daily if not multiple times per day – and even if they’re seeing what their bestie is doing, they’re still going to see your group’s content. That means putting your group on Facebook provides a constant reminder that it exists, and so people get engaged and keep coming back regularly.

 Module #14:

Publicity Pro

Launching a Profitable PR Company With ChatGPT’s Help

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Have you ever thought about running your own PR (public relations) firm? Whether you have or not, I invite you to consider this idea. As a PR specialist, one of your key roles is to distribute press releases for your clients to get them free publicity. You can also help manage their reputations, such as if something negative affects their business.

TIP: As always, you can use these same strategies to run your own business with ChatGPT’s help.

ChatGPT can help in a variety of ways

 Module #15:

SEO Supercharged

A Guide to Optimizing with ChatGPT

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Depending on your preference, you can use ChatGPT top help you with SEO for your own business (such as if you’re generating traffic to a storefront), or you can offer your SEO services to other business owners.

Depending on your preference, you can use ChatGPT top help you with SEO for your own business (such as if you’re generating traffic to a storefront), or you can offer your SEO services to other business owners.

 Module #16:

AI Wizardry

Launching and Growing Your Web Agency Using ChatGPT

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Still another way to make money with ChatGPT is to build a web agency with it. This is a business that provides marketing and content-creation services to other business owners.

Here you can provide a wide variety of services, including:

Providing an overall marketing strategy.
SEO (search engine optimization) / local SEO.
Copywriting (sales letters, ads, brochures, etc.)
Content writing (blog posts, articles, emails, etc.).
Conversion optimization.
Google Business Profile optimization.

And similar services. Chat GPT together with a SaaS service like ClickFunnels or GoHighLevel will put you instantly at the leading edge of this growing marketplace.

 Module #17:

Flippa Goldmine

How to Use ChatGPT to Build and Sell Websites

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Here’s a fun idea: you can build and sell websites with ChatGPT’s help. Alternatively, you can buy existing websites, update and upgrade the content using ChatGPT, and then flip them for a tidy profit.

 Module #18:

Scriptwriting Success

Writing Dynamic Video and Webinar Scripts Using ChatGPT

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

ChatGPT can help you create a wide variety of scripts, including:

Film scripts.
Webinar scripts.
Video scripts.

… or whatever else you’d like to create. You can create these for your own use, or you can offer your script-writing services to others.

 Module #19:

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Resumes Reimagined

A Step-by-Step Guide to Launching Your Resume Writing Service Using ChatGPT

The next money-making idea is to start up a business helping people to secure their next job and build their careers. You can use ChatGPT to help your clients by:

Creating resumes.
Improving existing resumes.
Writing or improving cover letters.
Offering suggestions for interview questions.
Generating ideas for climbing the corporate ladder more quickly.
Writing the web content for your resume-writing or career-building services.

If you want to offer a one-stop-shop for helping people build their careers – then Chat GPT can help you to do it. According to FreelanceWriting.com you can charge up to $300 per resume. Meaning you could generate around $58k USD per annum working part time on this project.

 Module #20:

From Script to Sketch

How to Use ChatGPT to Create Compelling Comic Books and Graphic Novels

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

If you’re looking for something entirely different to sell, you might want to consider selling serialized comic books or graphic novels. You can aim these items at kids or adults…

… Not only can Chat GPT create the ideas and plots for such books, there are now also several other image creation tools that are powered by AI which can create all of the graphics you could ever hope to have at your fingertips. This training modules shows you how to create the most amazing illustrations for comic books or graphic novels. Even if you have the graphic design skills of a 3 year old with crayons.

 Module #21:

Audio Adventures

How to Use ChatGPT to Create Audiobooks and Other Audio Scripts

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Have you noticed how popular audiobooks are online? There are entire sites set up to sell audiobooks, such as Audible. In other cases, people sell the audiobooks directly from their own websites as MP4 files. These audiobooks include both fiction and non-fiction content.

The good news is that you can now create these audiobooks quickly and easily with ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools. Even better is the fact that you can also turn your own voice into an AI voice… and no one will ever know you didn’t record the book directly into a microphone yourself. Pretty cool heh!

 Module #22:

Personalization Profits

How to Use ChatGPT to Create and Sell Personalized Greetings, Songs, Poetry and Other Content

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

This profitable idea is all about creating and selling personalized items such as:

Greeting cards
Love letters.
Wedding vows
Wedding readings.
Proposal ideas.

And similar.

For example

Start up an Etsy or Shopify store to sell generic or personalized greeting cards.
Set up a website to sell personalized vows and wedding readings.

Want to know how big this niche industry is? Well just take a look at MoonPig PLC a company that sold over $440m worth of these exact types of products last year and made a profit of $45m.

Is that a big enough niche industry to get you excited?

 Module #23:

The Nonprofit Navigator

The Guide to Using ChatGPT to Start and Run Your Nonprofit Organization

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Do you have a cause that’s near and dear to your heart?

If so, you might consider starting up a local nonprofit organization that serves that specific cause. 

Or perhaps you already work for a nonprofit, and you need to find a way to get more done in less time. Either way, ChatGPT once again swoops into the rescue!

ChatGPT can help you in a variety of ways with your nonprofit organization.

 Module #24:

Proficient AI Profits

Teaching others how to use ChatGPT like you have mastered throughout this course.

(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Once you’ve learned about all how to use ChatGPT – including the 23 ideas you discovered in the previous training modules – you’ll have become a ChatGPT expert in your own right.

This is especially true after you’ve spent some time perfecting your own style of “prompt engineering” – which is creating prompts that help you get the exact results you’re seeking.

So, guess what? There are other people who are very eager to learn what you know about ChatGPT. This in turn will open up so many more opportunities for you.

This module shows you how to create another ‘unfair advantage’ over and above anyone else so you can leverage your skills to the max.

And then there are all the extra bonuses modules that are also ready and waiting to give to you new members:

Bonus Module #1:

Audience Insights:
A Business Owner’s Guide to Success Using ChatGPT
(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Unlock the secrets to successful market research with "A Business Owner’s Guide to Success Using ChatGPT”.

This comprehensive guide empowers your customers to harness the power of ChatGPT for efficient and effective market analysis. Discover how to shortcut all types of market research with ease.

This manual provides step-by-step instructions to ensure you know which products and services will resonate most with your audience and are therefore likely to become your bestsellers.

Bonus Module #2:

Time Mastery Made Easy:
Master Your Time with ChatGPT's Productivity Playbook
(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Discover the ultimate guide to boosting productivity with "Time Mastery Made Easy: ChatGPT's Productivity Playbook."

This comprehensive manual empowers business owners and entrepreneurs to achieve more in less time using ChatGPT. Learn to brainstorm, clarify, and prioritize goals effectively, develop actionable plans, and troubleshoot issues swiftly.

ChatGPT provides practical tips for overcoming procrastination, staying focused, and optimizing daily tasks. From setting SMART goals to utilizing time management tools, this playbook covers it all.

Bonus Module #3:

AI Co-Pilot:
Achieve Business Success with AI Co-Pilot
(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

Unlock the full potential of your business with "AI Co-Pilot: For Your Entrepreneurial and Business Success."

This comprehensive guide leverages the power of ChatGPT to streamline your entrepreneurial journey. From brainstorming innovative business ideas to conducting in-depth market research, this manual covers every essential aspect of starting and growing a business.

Learn to build detailed customer avatars, create effective business plans, and develop robust marketing strategies.

Additionally, this guide provides practical steps for training employees, solving business problems, and enhancing productivity. Transform your business approach with AI-driven insights and stay ahead in your industry.

Bonus Module #4:

From Colors to Cash:
Launching An Adult Coloring Book Business with AI
(7,407 Words– 41 minutes)

It might sound like an odd way to make money with AI but you may wish to save any judgement until you see this…

… Research partnership Innovation Instigator has recently reported that:

“Starting at USD 68 Billion in 2023, the "Adult Coloring Book Market" is expected to soar to USD 112.67 Billion by 2031, with an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.48% from 2024 to 2031.”

This comprehensive guide empowers you (or your customers) to leverage AI tools to design, produce, and market your own line of adult coloring books.

Discover how to brainstorm niche ideas, create intricate illustrations, and add unique value to your products. With step-by-step instructions on planning, printing, and promoting your coloring books, you'll efficiently transform your artistic passion into a profitable venture.

Delight your customers with high-quality, engaging content and enjoy the ease of automation for maximum success.

One of the modules above (#9) was not originally part of Robotic Revenue, but I added it into the mix to complete the course.

While you ‘could’ go to the website right now, sign up… lock in your spot and join the membership and make some amazing money all thanks to AI… Becoming a member of the Robotic ROI website …Remember, this is not what I am suggesting you do…

No, instead of becoming a ‘regular member’ I am going to suggest that you take full ownership of such a FTM site and then ‘sellan unlimited number of memberships to others.

The idea is that members pay you $47 per month for a total of 12 months which is the equivalent of $564 for the complete course. With the extra bonuses that’s 28 Modules in total.

As you can see from the list of modules shown above, this is a very good selection of detailed information that explains multiple ways that anyone can use to start earning money with AI.

Everything is properly laid out so that even a complete beginner who has never used any form of ‘artificial intelligence’ before can follow along and achieve great success.

That’s the great thing about AI. It really has ‘levelled the playing field’ so that anyone, even those who can barely ‘copy & paste’ can enjoy and profit from.

It's a fantastic course (even if I do say so myself), for anyone wanting to get started with an AI based lifestyle business…. But more importantly for you… It’s now also available as a ready-to-go FTM site, that has the potential for you to generate a ‘six figure a year income’ thanks to this growing trend and demand for ‘Make Money With AI’ type information…

… and to prove that to you … In just a moment I will give you several examples of how you could do this … perhaps with fewer member’s than you might first expect.

And considering the public interest in ‘using AI to make money’ is so massively popular right now… Because, after all everyone is secretly looking for that ‘magic button to press’ there’s no way that any ‘one’ person could fulfil the entire market demand for this type of information.

And that’s what got me thinking….

Instead of keeping all this hard work to myself and effectively only ‘scratching the surface’ with the information I have produced… I could allow a hand-picked selection of other ‘carefully selected individuals’ to be put in the advantageous position to leverage all my work by providing them with a license to profit.

Saving them both time, effort and money.

It’s with this in mind that…

For The First Time Ever I’m Offering Full PLR Licensing Rights To The Entire 12 Month FTM Membership Site!

With the ‘Robotic Revenue - Membership To Go’ package you'll get PLR ("private label rights") licensing to the entire membership site: all the training modules, the bonuses, the sales letter, marketing materials, autoresponder messages and more!

Everything Is Ready To "GO!"

The PLR package for this entire course includes everything you need to get your own FTM style membership site up and running.

You'll receive...

All 24 modules of Robotic Revenue in editable .docx format (plus the 4 BONUS modules for a total of 28 modules) - over 750 pages (232,554 words) of meaty content that you can sell as your own and keep 100% of the profits!
You will also receive the same training in both MP4 video and MP3 audio file format that you can also provide to your customers within your membership site and still keep 100% of the profits from providing access to these too. – a total of 18 hours and 21 minutes of audio/video content.
A professionally written salesletter complete with graphics already fully formatted and professionally laid out. Just add your payment links and you’re ready to go... And YES … you’ll also be able to accept customer payments using Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover … (and PayPal) should you so wish.

Note: If you paid for a professional freelancer copywriter to write a sales letter like this for you it would cost in excess of $3,000.00 ... I should know because that’s exactly how much I paid for this letter to be written … and then given to you).
Full Step-By-Step Training: you will also receive access to a series of step-by-step ‘point & click’ video tutorials that will show you precisely how to complete each task. Everything from registering a domain name for your FTM site, right through to launching your site and signing up your first member is included
The Unique Instant Membership Site Software: This bespoke WordPress plugin software that’ll make it super quick and easy to create and set up your new FTM site from scratch in as little as 90 minutes, (more details on this in just a moment)…

And, most importantly…

A Personalized Private Label Rights Licensing Certificate

To enable you to do pretty much anything you want with the content when it comes to republishing it in your name and making it available to your customers. (Full terms can be found at the bottom of this page).

And remember, you’ll be receiving all the course content that’ll teach your members how to make money using Artificial Intelligence and Chat GPT, together with all the ready-made marketing materials that you’ll need to hit the ground running and get started immediately.

This is a very rare opportunity to get the full PLR licensing to a world class FTM membership site. Very rare.

Spend Just 90 Minutes Setting Up Your New FTM Site And Then You Can Start Collecting $47/Month Subscription Payments For Years To Come...

As A PLR License Holder You Will Receive Something No One Else Can Provide… The 'Membership To Go’ Set Up Wizard Software Which Does All The Technical Work For You.

All you have to do is ‘point and click’ to select the ‘FTM site’ that you want to install and set up… Then simply enter your details by ‘filling in the blanks’ … After that the ‘Membership To Go Set Up Wizard’ software will automatically go about doing all the heavy lifting for you and begin creating your new FTM site.

Nothing could be simpler.

You'll even be shown ‘at-a-glance’ videos that explain how to easily complete each step of the process via specially recorded how-to video tutorials.

Whether you are slowest (or the fastest) two finger typist in the county where you live… you should know … YOU CAN DO THIS!

And because the sales letter for your Robotic Revenue ‘FTM site’ has already been prepared for you, just think how much time and money you've already saved in just copywriter and web designer fees alone in getting this all set up so quickly!

As I mentioned already, just one sales letter from a Direct Response Copywriter could easily set you back over $3,000 in copywriting charges alone!

But you will not have to pay a single penny more… Because it’s all included for you…

Have I Left Anything Out?

I don't know, let's see...

Included within this unique PLR Licensing package are all 28 Robotic Revenue training modules, the professionally designed MS Word Doc templates, the audio recordings, video recordings, the sales letter, a complete set of professionally designed webpages… the special ‘membership to go’ set up wizard software…. In fact, everything needed to create a profitable and successful FTM site…

… But, then on top of all this… there’s also a separate (dedicated) membership area for YOU too.

By ‘locking in your spot’ and securing your PLR license with me today for this MembershipToGo - Robotic Revenue package today … you will also instantly become a VIP customer of mine, so with that in mind, I have created an additional membership area right here on MembershipToGo.com for you… So you get as much ongoing help and support you need from me to get your site up and online and ready to take orders too.

This is where you have access to the raw source code files for all the licensed content… a download link for your ‘Membership To Go’ Instant Set Up Wizard Software… together with access to each of the step-by-step video tutorials and access to me via a dedicated help desk.

Giving you the ongoing opportunity to reach out to me whenever you have a question about the setting up of your new FTM site.

So yes!... I think this is a pretty complete package… other than a regular webhosting account and a new domain name (which you can pick up anywhere for around $25/month) …

… Everything you need to be successful with your new and Fully Licensed Robotic Revenue FTM Site is being given to you as part of this fabulous offer!

And let me tell you, that if a PLR licensing opportunity like this was available when I was first starting out… I’d have snapped it up…. But it wasn’t… Or it was well hidden.... Really well hidden!

This is a huge amount of content you’re going to get within this PLR licensed package (over 750 pages!) so the possibilities for what you do with it to make money from it are broad.

Meaning that you don’t ‘need’ to repackage and resell the content as an FTM site if you want to do something else… But I highly recommend you do… If you already know how to sell info based products online, it's almost impossible for you to not make money from it.

And in case you were wondering, YES!... you can either sell monthly memberships at the recommended $47/month subscription fee or you could even sell access as a special one-off price for $470 … or perhaps offer a free trial … and then sell memberships for as much as $97/month.

The choice is yours.

By now, I am sure you will agree that the ‘Membership To Go’ PLR package for Robotic Revenue is your ticket to quickly setting up a profitable FTM site and getting consistent monthly sales coming in…

… And you’ll soon agree that you can't beat the low investment required to get started today... especially when you consider, that by attracting just one new member a month … you can basically recoup your entire investment…

... Let me prove it to you... 

Just take a look at the illustration below to see how your initial investment could soon be covered in just a handful of months... with as few as just 7 members paying you just $47 each month.

Now let’s take a look at how your profits would quickly accelerate if you were to attract one new member a week:

And finally, let's take a look at the consistent high profit results you'd be enjoying if you were to attract one new member a day.

As you look at these numbers, is worth noting 365 members is not a ‘lot’ of people. The case study I showed you earlier, that site has had over ten times this number of members join.

After looking at the ‘power of the numbers’ in the above examples, By now I’m sure you’re now ready for your next exciting entrepreneurial adventure…

That being the case be sure to ‘lock in your spot’ and secure your new Membership To Go Robotic Revenue PLR package today.

So, What's The Deal For This Exclusive Membership To Go Robotic Revenue PLR Licensing Package?

Surprisingly a lot, lot less than I bet you're thinking of right now.

In fact, you are going to be very pleasantly surprised ... I guarantee it.

But, before I tell you however, I should let you know about some exciting extra bonuses that you’ll also be receiving when you secure your license today.

Amazing Fast-Action BONUS 1

Professional ‘All In One’ Membership Plugin For WordPress
- A Real $179.50 Value -

Along with the Instant Membership Site Plugin which we developed especially for your ‘MembershipToGo’ PLR package to help you set up your entire FTM site from scratch in record time, you will also receive a ‘fully featured’ Membership Website WordPress plugin that will enable you to:

Protect Members Only Page Content
Protect Members Only Download Files
Handy Built In Learning Management System
Easy Drip Feeding Of Your Content
Simple Customization Your Membership Application / Checkout Pages
Fully Featured Subscription Billing Management
Customize Special Offer Coupons
Much, Much More.

Ordinarily, the annual licensing fee for this ‘all in one’ membership site solution without any special offers or discounts would be $179.50/year … But you get it included free with our compliments.

Secure Your Robotic Revenue - Membership To Go PLR Package Today And Get The ‘All In One’ Membership Software Completely Free

*** Offer Subject To Removal Without Warning -Fast Action Only ***
Once It Has Been Removed There Are No Exceptions!

Amazing Fast-Action BONUS 3

Email Marketing, Blog and Social Media Marketing Package
 - A Real $497 Value -

Professionally Copywritten Ad Package for both online and offline promotion.
Facebook Ads
Solo Ads
Direct Mail Letter
Classified Magazine
Newsletter Ads.
Professionally Designed Landing Page / Optin Page. If you would prefer to send all your paid traffic to an optin page to build your email list before redirecting hot prospects to your sales page then we’ve got you covered thanks to the professionally designed landing page.

You can either use the ‘share code’ that we have ready-to-go within AWeber or you can use the HTML version or recreate the landing page in any page builder using the source code files provided.
Two presell “Lead Magnet’ style reports to give away to promote your membership site, “A Dozen Ways Ways To Make $10K Per month Using Chat GPT Vol. 1”… (and Vol. 2).

Providing these two 16-page reports to your website visitors and optin email subscribers is the perfect way to promote your membership and warm up prospects into becoming paid members.
A ‘ready-to-go’ email marketing follow up campaign to drive warm prospects back to your new membership site. As you probably already know ‘the fortune is in the follow up’. Right?... So with this in mind you will also receive a dozen follow up emails that have been specially written to follow up with all the prospects who have requested free information from you.

Again, you can quickly ‘copy and paste’ these emails into your favorite email autoresponder or you can use the instant import /share feature from within AWeber to add them to a new list / campaign in record time. And if you don’t have an AWeber account yet, I’ll show you how you can get started with one for free.

Secure Your Robotic Revenue - Membership To Go PLR Package Today And Get All The Extra Marketing Materials Completely Free

*** Offer Subject To Removal Without Warning -Fast Action Only ***
Once It Has Been Removed There Are No Exceptions!

Amazing Fast-Action BONUS 4

Membership Master Plan
12-Week FTM Site Coaching Program 
- A Real $891 Value -

Membership Master Plan is a detailed 12-week training program for making the most out of any FTM site.

While you may well be able to ‘skip through’ the first 4 modules because you’ll already have this covered thanks to everything already included in your Robotic Revenue Membership To Go licensing package… The remaining modules will still help you to get maximum results in minimum time from this and/or any other FTM site you set up.

Here's a list of all the great hints, tips and modules the Membership Master Plan course includes:

How To Set Up Your Own FTM Site In 48 Hours Or Less
FTM Quick Start Preparation
How To START A Membership Site By Outsourcing It
FTM Quick Start Presentation Vol 1-4
FTM Quick Start Production
FTM Quick Start Promotion
How To Get New Members Automatically
How To Get Your First 100 Subscribers For Your Site
How To Keep Members (Retention Strategy 1)
The Backdoor Method To Keeping Members Active
How To Add Hundreds Of New Paying Customers
How To Get Fence Sitters To Join Your Site Now
5 things That Might Be Holding You Back
7 SOURCES For First Rate Content Vol 1 & 2
6 MODELS For Content Structure Vol 1 & 2
How To Prepare Lessons Super-Fast
10 Things I Learned From Running An FTM Site
Getting Your Visitors To Join Your FTM Site Vol 1 & 2
Locating Amazing Ready Made Content
Keeping Members Active Long Term
Getting All The Free Traffic You Need Vol 1& 2
The Ultimate Free Promotion For Your FTM Site
7 Great Ideas For A Free Videocast
How To Get Members To Make Bigger Payments More Often
5 More Ways To Make Money With An FTM Site
27 (more) Fixed Term Membership Ideas You Can Profit From Immediately
How To Bring In 1000’s Of New Members – (Advanced Training)
How To Keep Members Paying You Longer & How To Re-Activate Lapsed Members – (Advanced Training)
How To Use Paid Traffic To Bring In Even More Members
How To Get You Biggest Payday From Your FTM Site
Much, Much More.

Ordinarily, access to the MembershipMasterPlan.com membership website would require 3 x monthly instalments of $297 per month a total of $891.

However, because you are securing your license to your Robotic Revenue, Membership To Go package today, you will receive full access to this course with my compliments.

Secure Your Robotic Revenue - Membership To Go PLR Package Today And Get Instant Access To Membership Master Plan Completely Free

*** Offer Subject To Removal Without Warning -Fast Action Only ***
Once It Has Been Removed There Are No Exceptions!

Amazing Fast-Action BONUS 5

Two Additional ‘full-length money-making manuals’ for you to offer to your customers and members as bonuses or as paid upsell or backend product offers.Program 
- A real $6,119.28 of value – again included completely FREE -

Every marketing funnel, whether it’s for an ‘FTM Site’ or any other kind of info-product offering needs a selection of additional items which can easily be positioned as bonuses, order form ‘bump offers’ as well as ‘upsells’, ‘downsells’ or ‘back-end’ offers.

However, you want to use them, when you ‘lock in your spot’ and license your Robotic Revenue Membership To Go package today, you will also receive the full PLR licensing rights to two further professionally written products.

These are:

Robotic Content Creation
- Discover the Secrets of Effortless Content Creation with AI
(50,637 words / 153 pages)

This first extra home study manual is perfect for anyone looking to revolutionize their business with the very latest AI technology.

With this bonus, you will effectively be receiving the Full Private Label Rights License to the ultimate stand-alone guide to leveraging artificial intelligence for rapid and cost-effective content production.

Your customers will be shown every step of the content creation process, from initial research to final tweaks… and even how to outsource the entire content creation process to AI… All while injecting a ‘unique human touch’ to ensure quality and authenticity.

With your new PLR license to Robotic Content Creation, you will be able to create extra profits offering this guide to your customers… and they’ll be able to unlock the power of AI to generate high-quality content in a fraction of the time it used to take, saving them thousands of dollars compared to ‘the old way’ of hiring writers and freelancers. It’s a true WIN-WIN for everyone.

Robotic Affiliate Profits
– Unlock the Profits to Consistent AI-Generated Affiliate Commissions
(51,351 words / 152 pages)

This second extra home study manual is perfect for anyone looking to modernize the way they are able to consistently generate ongoing affiliate commissions.

With this bonus, you will effectively be receiving a second Private Label Rights License to another stand-alone guide as a licensee, you can rebrand and resell this comprehensive guide and instantly be able to tap into the rapidly growing interest of using AI to generate affiliate commissions.

Another true WIN-WIN as not only will you be able to offer another high-quality training to your customers, but, your customers will be thrilled with their purchase… As it demystifies using AI tools, to automate their affiliate marketing strategies, optimize their efforts, and achieve consistent commissions.

With this extra PLR license, you’ll not only boost your profits but you’ll also be able to deliver yet another product that delights and empowers your customers.

Each of these manuals is approximately 150 pages long. Together they add up to an extra 101,988 words of ‘killer content’ for your customers to get extra value from you.

Which in turn increases how much they will know, like and trust you moving forwards.

And even at a very modest rate of 6 cents per word, it would cost in excess of $6,119.28 to have a talented ghost writer create these reports from scratch.

But that’s extra cash you don’t have to worry about investing, because when you secure your Robotic Revenue Membership To Go package today, you will receive both of these additional reports together will the full, lifetime and worldwide PLR licensing permissions will be included with my compliments as part of the package.

Secure Your Robotic Revenue - Membership To Go PLR Package Today And Get Instant Access To These Extra Licensed Products Completely Free

*** Offer Subject To Removal Without Warning -Fast Action Only ***
Once It Has Been Removed There Are No Exceptions!

By now you may well be thinking that ‘this is a truly amazing opportunity’ to jump on board and to get your very own FTM site up and running in the next 24 hours … and you’d be right.

The contents of the bonus package alone are valued at several times the investment required to secure your access to the entire ‘Robotic Revenue Membership-To-Go’ PLR package today.

In fact, if you are ‘serious’ then I recommend you act immediately and secure your license ASAP.

Other Than The Investment Required… What More Can I Tell You?

There's really nothing else to say, except this - you are getting the work of both myself and real professionals who have spent hours and hours, months and months, and years of years of their time and skill, refining, honing, sharpening, altering, and changing anything and everything to make sure that EVERY SINGLE part of this package will deliver maximum profit opportunities for you.


If you want to enjoy owning and running an FTM Site that has huge appeal and that once set up will only ask so little of you in terms of time effort and energy…
If you want sure-fire way to create a recurring income that will deliver your dreams…
If you want businesses that work right out of the box…
If you want rock solid support for setting up your new FTM site from scratch

Then this new Robotic Revenue Membership To Go package is exactly what you need.

Okay Shane, Count Me In… But How Much Is It
To Secure My Licensing Rights To The Complete Robotic Revenue Membership Site To Go Package?

Others have already suggested to me that I should ‘price test’ this offer at either $2,997 or $4,997 (and they have shown me countless examples of other ‘high-ticket priced offers’ that contain nowhere near as much that I’ve carefully crafted and created to be included in the Robotic Revenue Membership To Go package which have been ‘snapped up in record time’ even at these prices).

However, despite their encouragement, I have decided to make the next ten licenses for the Robotic Revenue Membership To Go package available for just $1,497 when using a handy three part payment plan of just $499/month or just $1,297 if using the single payment option.

Yes Shane, I want to lock in my spot and claim the PLR Licensing Rights to the entire Robotic Revenue Membership To Go package (including all 28 modules, the salesletter, marketing materials and all the extra bonuses) so I can setup my own FTM membership site in just 90 minutes!

(Even if it's 2:00 AM in the morning were you’re living right now)

You will receive your PLR license certificates immediately after locking in your spot. Once you have signed your licensing certificates, your login details to the Membership To Go package with be forwarded to your registered email address.

… So, if you are still wondering what to sell and how to sell it... in order to break free from your current situation… Then this opportunity is exactly what you have been looking for…

‘Cracking that nut’ was one of the most memorable moments of my entrepreneurial career. I will never forget the feeling of setting up my first product and making my first sale.

Now I want to help you to experience that for yourself too.

Your personal success means a lot to me, and I am determined to do everything that I possibly can to help you to succeed in all of the ways you have ever imagined.

All this adds up to the fact that I am absolutely certain that when you invest in this ready-to-go FTM membership site, for just $1,297 in the next few minutes… you'll net substantial and consistent returns over the months and years ahead.

So, lock in your spot today and secure your worldwide private label rights to this ready-to-go out of the box FTM site right now... And certainly while licenses are still available and you have everything in front of you.

Yes Shane, I want to lock in my spot and claim the PLR Licensing Rights to the entire Robotic Revenue Membership To Go package (including all 28 modules, the salesletter, marketing materials and all the extra bonuses) so I can setup my own FTM membership site in just 90 minutes!

(Even if it's 2:00 AM in the morning were you’re living right now)

You will receive your PLR license certificates immediately after locking in your spot. Once you have signed your licensing certificates, your login details to the Membership To Go package with be forwarded to your registered email address.

By the way, for that price it works out to be an investment of just $49.90 per licensed training module that’ll be either automatically ‘drip fed’ out to an unlimited number of your paying members… Who remember will be paying you $47 month-after-month for up to 12 months... Or those who will accept your additional upsell offers.

Where else could you get such an amazing opportunity to secure the licensing rights to such high-quality ready-to-go FTM site, together with the professional sales letters, graphic design, webpage templates, automatic software and step by step instructions?

Most people would pay more than that for their Subscription TV Packages every month... and watching TV every day won't make you anywhere near as much money as this new ‘Robotic Revenue Membership To Go’ package can...


Shane Doyle.

PS. Right now you have the opportunity to acquire the full ‘private label licensing rights’ to an entire 12 Month Fixed Term Membership Site … together will all the content, all the marketing materials and all the bonuses…. And all the software and support you need in order to get everything up and running in just 90-minutes.

You literally could set everything up today and start enjoy seeing new members joining your site tomorrow (and every day thereafter) paying you $47/month for the privilege.

Plus today and for the next 10 license applications you can ‘lock in your spot’ and secure your license using the handy 3 part split pay option of just $499/month or just $1,297 when selecting the full pay option. And with such a low investment like this, YOU simply cannot fail to make money from this profit-spinning ‘Membership To Go’ package…

Especially when you consider when you’ll only need 2 new members a month to break even in your first year… and with 4 new members a month you’ll have more than DOUBLE your investment…. But why stop there. When one of the first things you’ll be shown is how to attract 100s of paying members to your new FTM site.

PPS. I am limiting the release of these Membership To Go licenses. That's because I DON'T want to swamp the market, but I DO want the people who are prepared to stand up and shout "Yes!" to get really big slices of the continuity and recurring income pie.

Now, are you ready to say Yes! to pocket-bulging profits? Then be sure to lock in your spot ASAP. While licenses are still available.

License Terms:

To protect the value of these products, you may not pass on the rights to your customers. This means that your customers may not have the PLR rights or reprint rights passed on to them.
You may not mention Shane Doyle as the author or creator of these materials in any way in your marketing, development of products or usage of these materials.
You may not use any content from this offer as part of another PLR product.
You are not permitted to give the materials away in their current state for free - they must be sold (except for marketing materials). They must be fully rebranded and edited in order to be given away.
If you are going to claim copyright to anything created with this content, then you must substantially change it to distinguish yourself from other licensees.
Shane Doyle reserves the right to make final decisions on any usage of PLR content purchased from this site that is not specifically addressed in these terms and his decision is final.

* Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money.

© Copyright MembershipToGo.com.  All Rights Reserved